Getting a professional facial can leave you with healthier, glowing skin. If you would like to get a facial, there are some things you should and should not do before and after to get the best results.
Don’t schedule a facial right before a major event such as a wedding. Your skin will probably be fine, but there is always a chance that you could have a reaction to one or more of the products used. It is better to schedule your facial a week or so before the event so your skin will have a chance to recover if you have an adverse reaction.
A sunburn can make a facial unpleasant and ineffective. Avoid tanning, either in the sun or at a tanning salon, for at least a week before you get a facial.
You should not wax or shave for 48 hours before or after getting a facial. If you do so before, your skin could tingle or sting after your facial. If you wax or shave afterward, you could tear the skin. Wait until a few days after you get a facial to remove unwanted hair.
Some medications, such as Tretinoin and Accutane, can thin your skin. This can cause damage if you get a facial. You should not get a facial while taking these medications.
Follow your normal skin care routine the day of your facial. It is best for the aesthetician to see your skin the way it normally is.
Arrive for your appointment 10 to 15 minutes early. This will give you time to relax, fill out any forms, and talk to your aesthetician. It will also ensure that you get the maximum amount of time for your facial.
Talk to your aesthetician about what you are hoping to gain from your facial and any concerns you have. He or she will tell you what to expect and what to do at home to get the best results.
The aesthetician will ask what products you use on your skin on a regular basis. If something is causing a reaction, he or she will be able to recommend something to use instead. Make a list of the products you use so you can discuss them. Be willing to make adjustments if a product is not working well for you.
If you are not used to exfoliating, your skin can release excess oil after you get a facial. This can cause you to break out. If you do get acne, you should continue to exfoliate at home to prevent buildup of excess oil again.