Is It Better to Blow-Dry or Air-Dry Your Hair?

After you wash your hair, you have two options: you can blow-dry it or let it air-dry. Each has advantages and drawbacks. Here are some facts and tips to help you decide which is better for you.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Blow-Drying Your Hair

Blow-drying your hair can help you create the controlled style you want. It can also be time-consuming, and exposing your hair to heat for a long time can cause damage. Hair strands are covered with cuticles, shingle-like layers of protein that protect it from damage. Heat can cause the cuticles to break down, which can make hair rough and cause it to become damaged. Heat also causes hair to lose moisture at a faster rate than it can be reabsorbed from the air. This can cause it to become brittle. When hair is wet, the fibers swell. If it is dried quickly, the fibers contract, which can make the cuticles contract.

Pros and Cons of Air-Drying Your Hair

Air-drying is healthier for your hair and can help you avoid heat damage. One drawback is that it can cause you to have wet hair for hours. Combing wet hair can cause the strands to stretch while they are delicate, which can lead to breakage and split ends. Rubbing your hair with a towel can also cause damage. If you go out with wet hair and it is blown in the wind, it can develop split ends. If it is cold outside and you go out with wet hair, it can freeze and break.

How to Decide Which Is Better for You

You should decide whether it is better to blow-dry or air-dry your hair based on its condition, what style you hope to achieve, whether or not you can have wet hair for a few hours, and the weather. In general, it is better to wash and dry your hair less often to avoid drying it out and causing damage.

Blow-Drying Tips

If you decide to blow-dry your hair, try to avoid using too much heat. Blow-dry your hair for the shortest amount of time possible. Use a heat protectant spray and move the blow-dryer around to avoid overheating any one spot. Use a diffuser when you blow-dry your hair to avoid overheating it. If your hair is dry, use a silicone-based anti-frizz serum. Do not overbrush your hair because that can cause damage.

How to Air-Dry Your Hair

You can reduce the amount of time required to air-dry your hair by using a highly absorbent towel to gently blot your hair. Then fluff it from the roots with your fingers to increase air flow. Use a wide-toothed come to detangle your hair, and then use an anti-frizz serum. You can create texture by wrapping or braiding your hair while it is drying.

Make an Appointment to Get Your Hair Cut or Styled

If you want to change your hairstyle or have your hair done for a special occasion, make an appointment at The Beauty Bar. We can help you choose the right style and give you tips on how to take care of your hair so you will look beautiful every day. Schedule your appointment today.

How to Moisturize Your Scalp without Making Your Hair Greasy

The body moisturizes the scalp naturally by secreting an oil called sebum. If the body does not produce enough sebum, the scalp can get dry. The scalp can become dry because of exposure to the weather or styling. Your scalp can also get dried out because of conditions such as scalp psoriasis or dandruff.

Oil Can Moisturize Your Scalp

There are several ways to replenish moisture in your scalp. You can cut back on the number of products you use in your hair and use oils to restore moisture. Adding oil to your scalp can compensate for the lack of sebum and prevent your scalp from drying out. Using a scalp oil can do a better job of moisturizing your scalp than some shampoos and conditioners. Oil is a good treatment for a dry scalp because it will stay on the skin longer than a lotion or moisturizing cream.

Jojoba oil is one of the most common oils used to moisturize the scalp. Mineral oil, cod liver oil, and coconut oil are also often used. Many scalp oils are a mixture of natural oils, antioxidants, and glycerin that treat both the scalp and hair.

How to Prevent Greasy Hair

A common concern is that putting oil on the scalp will make the hair greasy. Here are some tips to help you moisturize your scalp without winding up with oily hair.

The first step is to apply oil to your scalp without getting it in your hair. One way to do that is to wet your hair so it will not easily absorb the oil and then dab the oil on your scalp with a cotton ball. Shampoo your hair after a few minutes to wash out the oil.

Look for a shampoo that contains an astringent such as tea tree oil, citrus oil, rosemary, or chamomile. Those ingredients can remove oil from your hair follicles. Use a clear shampoo to rinse out the oil. Clear shampoos contain fewer conditioners and are less likely than other shampoos to leave a residue.

When you style your hair, reduce the number of products you use. The residue from products can build up on your hair and weigh it down. Avoid using gel, mousse, volumizer, and balm after using oil to moisturize your scalp.

Make an Appointment for a Haircut at The Beauty Bar

If you are due for a haircut or are thinking about changing your style, make an appointment at The Beauty Bar. We can help you choose the right hairstyle and give you recommendations on how to deal with problems like a dry scalp. Make an appointment at The Beauty Bar in Southington, Connecticut today.

How to Make Your Fine Hair Look Fuller

A head full of thick hair looks beautiful. Unfortunately, many women are not blessed with thick locks, but rather have thin strands that look dull and lifeless. If you have fine hair, you probably struggle to style it and make it look fuller. Here are some tips to help your fine hair look fuller.

How to Wash and Condition Your Hair

Don’t wash your hair every day because this can dry it out and make it look flat and dull. Washing every other day will make your hair look fuller at the roots. You can use dry shampoo in between washes.

Choose a shampoo that will stimulate the follicles in your scalp. Work it in by massaging your scalp to stimulate blood flow. Some conditioners, such as ones labeled “hydrating” or “smoothing,” have oils that can weigh down your hair and prevent it from getting more volume. Avoid conditioners with these words on the label.

How to Dry and Style Your Hair

Before you blow-dry your hair, spray it with a heat protectant. Flip your head over and blow-dry your hair with a round brush. When it is no longer damp, flip your head over again and dry your hair in sections. Put a diffuser on the end of the hair dryer to give your hair more volume.

After you blow-dry your hair, set the front in Velcro rollers and clips for 20 minutes to give your hair more volume. Then remove the rollers and lightly tease the hair at the crown of your head.

After you tease your hair, use a small amount of mousse or spray root lifter to keep your roots up. Be careful not to use too much product because it can weigh down your hair.

If you like to use hairspray, look for one with thickening or volumizing agents. This will make your fine hair look fuller and set your hairstyle.

Brushing your hair too often can stimulate oils in the scalp, which can make your hair look flat. If you need to fix your hair and remove tangles, use a wide-toothed comb.

The Right Haircut Can Make Your Hair Look Fuller

When you get your hair cut, get layers. This will create a texturized look that can make your hair look thicker. If you are due for a haircut or are thinking about changing your style, make an appointment at The Beauty Bar in Southington, Connecticut. We can help you choose a hairstyle that will make your fine hair look fuller and give it more volume. Schedule your appointment today.

These Common Mistakes Could Be Damaging Your Hair

You want your hair to be healthy, shiny, and easy to care for, but some of the products you use and the way you take care of your hair could be causing damage. Here are some of the most common mistakes women make when caring for and styling their hair that can lead to damage, and what you should do instead.

Shampoo and Conditioner Mistakes

One common mistake is shampooing too often. Washing your hair every day can remove the oils it needs to stay healthy and hydrated. Your hair will be healthier if you wash it every two or three days.

You also need to use the right shampoo. Don’t just buy the cheapest shampoo you can find. You don’t need to spend a fortune, but you should look for a shampoo with the right ingredients. Avoid sulfates that can dry out your hair. Choose a shampoo that is specifically designed for your hair type.

Another common mistake is using too much conditioner. You should only put conditioner on the ends of your hair, not your scalp. Putting conditioner on the roots can make your hair oily. Be sure to rinse your hair thoroughly.

Blow-Drying and Straightening Mistakes

In your quest to get the perfect blowout, you might be using a blow-dryer setting that is too hot, which can damage your hair. Use a lower setting and spray your hair with a heat protectant before you blow-dry it. Rough dry your hair until it is half dry and then finish with a brush and a higher heat setting. Minimize the amount of contact the nozzle has with your hair.

You also need to protect your hair if you use a flat iron. Use a thermal protectant spray to prevent split ends and breakage. Never use a flat iron on wet hair because it can burn your hair.

How to Prevent Split Ends

If you are growing out your hair, you may be tempted to skip haircuts so your hair will grow faster, but that would be a mistake. Split ends can spread up the length of your hair. You should still get your hair trimmed regularly when you are growing it out, even if it is just a little bit.

Brushing your hair is good for removing tangles and distributing the natural oils from your scalp, but you can brush your hair too much. Brushing too often can lead to split ends and frizziness.

Make an Appointment for a Haircut at The Beauty Bar

If you want to change your hairstyle or need a trim, make an appointment at The Beauty Bar in Southington, Connecticut. We can help you choose the right look and give you advice on how to care for your hair every day to prevent damage. Schedule your appointment today.

How to Straighten Your Hair and Prevent Damage

Straight hair is sleek and beautiful, but getting the look can seem like a lot of work. It can also cause damage to your hair if it is not done using the right products and techniques. Here are some tips to help you get smooth hair and prevent damage.

Tips to Help You Get Straight Hair

Straight hair starts with the shampoo and conditioner you use. Choose smoothing products that will moisturize your hair and help it get and stay straight. Comb the conditioner through your hair with a paddle brush, rinse it gently, and then gently pat it dry with a towel.

Blow-drying your hair correctly is key to getting healthy, straight hair. Start out by rough drying your hair, or shaking the dryer back and forth over your head, until it is mostly dry. Point the nozzle down to prevent frizz. You can then apply a product and let your hair air dry or blow it out until it is completely dry and straight.

The right brush can help you get smooth hair. Use a boar bristle brush to straighten your hair.

Divide your hair into sections before you straighten it. This will help you avoid getting sections that are too thick, make your hair easier to work with, and save you time.

Try to avoid using heat on the same section more than once. Use enough tension to straighten your hair the first time. You may need to repeat the process if you have curly hair.

How to Prevent Damage from Straightening

You should always use a thermal protectant when you use heat on your hair. A heat protectant spray can be used on dry hair and can help prevent frizz.

Use the right temperature for your hair. You don’t need to use the highest setting for fine or damaged hair, but coarse hair may need to use a higher temperature.

If you hear sizzle or see steam when you use a flat iron, stop. Your hair should be completely dry before you begin using a flat iron. If it is dry and still sizzles, it could be because of product buildup. You should not put any product on dry hair because it will boil when you heat your hair.

Finish with a light hold hairspray after your hair has cooled down. Applying it to hot hair will cause it to sizzle.

If you have tried all of these tips and you are still not getting the results you want, it could be because you are using the wrong flat iron. Investing in a new iron that distributes heat more evenly can help you get the sleek hair you want without damage.

Get a New Hairstyle at The Beauty Bar

If you need a haircut or want to get your hair done for a special occasion like a wedding or party, make an appointment at The Beauty Bar. We can style your hair and give you tips on how to take care of it yourself at home. Schedule your appointment today.

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