How to Choose the Right Moisturizer

Keeping your skin hydrated can give it a healthy glow. Moisturizing your skin is especially important in the winter, when cold air outside and warm, dry air indoors can make it dry and dull. The choices can feel overwhelming, ranging from simple, inexpensive products to ones costing hundreds of dollars. Here are some tips to help you choose the right moisturizer for your face.

A skin moisturizer works in two ways. It seals in moisture in the outer layer of the skin and draws moisture from the inner layer of the skin to the outer layer. When choosing a moisturizer, look at the first five ingredients. Look for ones that will seal in moisture and draw it to the outer layer of your skin.

Ingredients such as petrolatum, mineral oil, lanolin, and dimethicone will seal in moisture. Glycerin, propylene glycol, proteins, urea, and vitamins will draw moisture to the outer layer of your skin. Glycerin is less likely than lanolin to cause you to have an allergic reaction. Some moisturizers also contain alpha hydroxy acids that exfoliate. They are a good choice if your skin is very dry.

One of the best ways to keep your skin looking young is to protect it from the sun. Many companies offer moisturizers that also contain sunscreen. Look for an SPF of 30 or higher.

Choose the right moisturizer for your skin type. If you have sensitive skin, choose a moisturizer that is hypoallergenic. If your skin is oily, choose a light, oil-free moisturizer. If you have dry skin, choose a richer moisturizer. If you have combination skin, use a light moisturizer for your whole face and a heavier cream for dry areas. You might need a lighter lotion in the summer and a cream or ointment for the winter. Use a non-comedogenic moisturizer that won’t clog your pores.

You might want to use a moisturizer with retinol before bed to increase the rate of cell turnover. Use it sparingly because it can cause skin irritation, dryness, or redness.

If your skin doesn’t respond to over-the-counter moisturizers, try a prescription containing alpha hydroxy acids. Tell your doctor if you have any burning, irritation, redness, itching, or a rash. You can also try a barrier cream with humectants that will penetrate deeper into your skin.

Moisturize every day. It is best to apply moisturizer to damp skin because it will absorb moisture better.

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