How to Use a Hair Mask

With the amount of styling you do to your hair, whether with dyeing, blow-drying, straightening, or curling, it can easily become dry and damaged. You can restore your hair to its healthy shine by using a hair mask on a regular basis. It will give you the smooth, gleaming locks you have always wanted. Here are some tips to help you get the best results.

• Use a mask once a week. Even if you don’t do a lot of styling, your hair can become damaged from the weather. Winter wind and summer sun can easily rob your strands of moisture.

• Choose a mask that is right for your hair type. Check the label to see how often it should be used and how long it should be left in your hair.

• You can apply a mask to either wet or dry hair. If you put the mask in your hair while you are taking a shower, comb it through, leave it in for the recommended amount of time, then shampoo and condition your hair as you normally would.

• If you apply the mask to dry hair, you should also comb it through to the ends. You will need to leave it in longer than you would with wet hair. Finish by shampooing and conditioning your hair.

• The ends of your hair are the part most susceptible to damage. Always focus on the ends when you apply a mask.

• If your hair is especially dry, you can sleep with a mask in your hair. Apply it to either wet or dry hair, then cover your locks with a shower cap or silk scarf and wash and condition it in the morning.

• Your hair should not be greasy after using a mask. If it is, you are probably using the wrong mask for your hair type. Remember that you only need to use a little bit to get good results.

• You don’t need to spend tons of money on an expensive hair mask. There are many DIY recipes online that work just as well. Look for mask recipes that contain yogurt, honey, or olive oil.

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