Give your Hair some Attitude with Dimensional Foiling

Women are always looking for something new and creative for their hair. Whether it’s a new women’s haircut or specific coloring the search goes on for the next technique or style that will give new life to your hair and added confidence to your ego. Dimensional foiling is a fairly new hair coloring technique that provides 3-D highlight effects to your hair. With this method you can achieve multiple layers of different colors in a balanced way that gives hair a full and healthy look. With dimensional foiling you can easily blend in auburn streaks with brown hair to achieve a unique and eye-catching look.

At the Beauty Bar we offer dimensional foiling services for women who want to add a specific high gloss hue to their natural hair to create a subtle but still noticeable hair coloring that will blend in smoothly and look more natural than many hair coloring techniques. Before we began the process, our expert hair stylists consult with you about what colors will go best with your hair and give you several options to consider depending on if you want to be bold and daring or casual and laid back. Also known as multi-dimensional coloring, dimensional foiling literally adds layers of colors to long women’s hair cuts to create depth and bring out the fullness of your hair. Unlike simple single color haircuts, dimensional foiling adds complexity and depth to your hair and gives it some much-needed attitude.

In addition to our many beauty services including bridal makeup, airbrush makeup and corrective coloring, the Beauty Salon is also very experienced in dimensional foiling and if this procedure has caught your attention contact us today to schedule an appointment where we can consult with you on all the available colors and what hues will bring out the best in your natural hair.

Airbrush Makeup is great for girls to use when getting Senior Portraits done. No more retouching makeup in-between outfit changes!