How to Choose the Right Anti-Aging Products

With so many anti-aging products on the market and many making bold claims, it can be difficult to know which ones to choose. Here are some tips from dermatologists.

Sunscreen is one of the best anti-aging products you can use. Choose a formula that is broad spectrum, has an SPF of at least 30, and is water-resistant. Reapply sunscreen every two hours if you are outdoors.

A moisturizer can minimize fine lines. Moisturizer is a key ingredient in many anti-aging products. You can use a moisturizer that contains sunscreen, as long as it meets the criteria above.

Use sunscreen and moisturizer for a few weeks and then see how your skin looks. If you still have a specific concern, such as wrinkles or dark spots, choose a product to target that problem. A single product cannot treat all signs of aging, and using multiple products at the same time can irritate your skin and make you look older.

Choose products that are right for your skin type, such as oily or sensitive. Look for products that are hypoallergenic to reduce your chance of having an allergic reaction. A non-comedogenic or non-acnegenic formula will not cause acne. The bottle should also have a phone number for a consumer hotline in case you have questions.

More expensive products do not necessarily work better. Choose a product that is within your price range.

Avoid products that make exaggerated claims. An anti-aging product cannot make you look younger overnight. Have realistic expectations so you will not be disappointed.

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