How to Use a Curling Iron

If you have always dreamed of having bouncy curls but were born with straight hair, you can easily get the look you want with a curling iron. Here are some instructions to help you get beautiful curls.

Your hair should be completely dry before you curl it. Using a curling iron on damp hair can create steam that can scald your hair.

Let the curling iron heat up before you use it. Start out at a low temperature setting and experiment to find the temperature that works best for your hair.

While the iron is heating up, brush your hair to remove any tangles. This will help you prevent damage.

Spray your hair with a heat protectant spray before you curl it. This will keep your hair from becoming dry and frizzy.

You will get better results if you separate your hair into sections. Use pins or a clip to hold up the top section of your hair. Release the upper section after you have finished curling the bottom. Using larger sections of hair will give you bigger and looser curls. Curling smaller sections will give you tighter curls.

Wrap a small section of hair around the curling iron. If there is a clamp near the handle, open it and put your hair at the lower end of the barrel near the handle and close the clamp, then wrap the entire section around the iron and stop rolling an inch from your roots so you do not burn your scalp.

If your curling iron is a wand without a clamp, start near the top of your hair and wrap your hair around the iron with your hand. Hold the end of your hair in place as it curls.

Hold the curling iron in place for about 10 seconds to allow the hair to heat up. The exact amount of time needed will depend on the curling iron and the temperature. Let go of the hair to release the curl. Repeat with the rest of your hair.

If you want soft, loose curls, you can run your fingers through your hair or turn your head upside down and fluff the curls. If you brush your hair, the curls will turn to waves. Apply hairspray if you want to make your curls last longer. Do this after you have curled your hair to avoid damaging it.

Home Remedies to Tighten Sagging Skin

As you get older, your skin gradually loses some of the elasticity it had when it was younger. Aging can make skin sag, especially around your cheeks, eyes, mouth, and neck. Some people try surgery to get tighter skin, but there are many simple and painless strategies you can try first to get a more youthful appearance.

• The sun is one of the leading causes of wrinkles and sagging skin. Use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 on your face and neck. Put it on 30 minutes before you go outside.

• There are many creams that can tighten sagging skin. Look for a cream that contains Coenzyme Q10, Wakame extract, or avocado, jojoba, or grape seed oil. These ingredients can increase the production of collagen and elastin to give you firmer skin. Copper peptide creams can also tighten skin on your face and neck.

• Apply an astringent to your skin every day to make your skin tighter. An astringent can fight oil, tighten pores, and reduce wrinkles. You can make a homemade astringent from lemon juice, rosemary, honey, and witch hazel.

• Cucumber can tighten and firm sagging skin. Grind half a cucumber, squeeze out the juice, spread it over your face, and let it dry. Then rinse your face and pat your skin dry. You can also use cucumber around your eyes to eliminate crow’s feet, eye wrinkles, dark circles, and puffiness.

• You can make an all-natural skin tightening face mask with egg white and lemon juice. Mix the ingredients until they are light and frothy, put the mask on your face and neck, leave it on for 15 minutes, let it dry completely, and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

• You can mix a small amount of baking soda with water to make a paste that will remove dead skin cells and tighten your pores. Test a small amount on your elbow first to make sure you do not have an allergic reaction. Massage it onto your face for a minute and then rinse.

• A healthy diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can give you tighter skin. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water, and avoid foods that are high in sugar.

• You can use facial exercises to tighten muscles in your face that you do not use often. This will tone and tighten your skin. There are many facial exercises you can try to tighten different muscle groups.

• A facial massage can tighten loose skin. Massage your face with aloe vera or castor oil.

Tips to Keep Your Hair Healthy and Prevent Tangles

Whether your hair is long or short, you have probably struggled with tangles. Waking up with knots in your hair can be a frustrating way to start the day. Hair can get tangled again throughout the day if you don’t brush it often. Here are some strategies to help you reduce the number of tangles you get and have healthier hair.

• Using the right tools to remove tangles can make the job easier. Invest in a good paddle brush or wide-toothed comb. Brush or comb your hair in the morning and right before bed to avoid waking up with a head full of knots.

• Hair can become damaged from daily styling and get split ends. Get your hair trimmed every six to eight weeks to eliminate split ends and keep it in good condition.

• Heat from blow-drying, curling, and straightening can damage your hair. Avoid using heat as much as possible and use a heat protectant spray when you do.

• Dyeing and bleaching hair can cause it to become dry and damaged, which can lead to tangles. The more often you dye your hair, the more damaged it will become. Keep your dyeing to a minimum to prevent damage.

• Harsh chemicals in hair care products can damage your locks and cause tangles. You don’t need to eliminate products altogether, but be careful about the ones you choose.

• Conditioner is one of the best ways to eliminate tangles. Put it on the ends of your hair and let it soak in for several minutes before you rinse it out. Focus on the ends since that is where most damage occurs. Don’t put conditioner on your roots because that can make your scalp oily.

• A leave-in conditioner can keep your hair shiny and tangle-free. Spray some on after you wash your hair to make it more manageable.

• Another product you want to use is a detangler. You might have to try a few before you find the one that works best for your hair, but it can be a major help on days when your hair is being difficult.

• A hair mask can provide your hair with nutrients and moisture it needs to stay healthy. You can buy a hair mask at the store or make your own with ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen.

How to Get Healthier Nails

Strong, healthy nails can give you a more polished and attractive appearance. Many of the tips you have heard and things you have been taught to do to care for your nails may actually be doing more harm than good. Here are some tips from dermatologists on how to get healthier nails.

The cuticle is a natural barrier that prevents the growth of bacteria and fungus. Cutting or pushing back the cuticles can cause them to lose that protection and make them look red, ragged, and swollen. It can also lead to an infection that can permanently damage your nails.

Moisture can make cuticles look better and prevent nail breakage. If your nails tend to break, put oil around your cuticles to add moisture to the entire nails and reduce chipping, cracking, and splitting.

If your nails are brittle, avoid acetone-based nail polish remover. It can strip your nails and make them brittle.

A lot of products that are supposed to harden nails can do more harm than good. Most claims about the effectiveness of those products do not have scientific support. Nail strengtheners do not help unless nails are extremely fragile. Healthy nails should be flexible.

Emery boards are harsh and can cause cracks and fissures in nails. Use a smooth, fine file and work slowly and evenly in one direction to prevent breakage.

Frequent hand washing can dry out your nails. If you need to wash your hands a lot, use a moisturizer as often as possible.

When you are cleaning or doing laundry, avoid contact with harsh chemicals. Wear rubber gloves if possible.

Certain shampoos, particularly ones containing detergents that are used for oily hair, can dry out both hair and nails. If you suspect that your shampoo is drying out your nails, switch to a different product.

Research has found that people who get manicures often are more likely to have dry, brittle nails, possibly because of repeated exposure to chemicals. They are also more likely to get chronic nail infections. You can reduce your risk of getting an infection from a manicure by bringing your own tools to the salon.

Nail extensions can lead to fungal or bacterial infections and can cause permanent damage. If you want to wear nail extensions, get tips. They can still cause problems, but there is less of a risk because a smaller surface area is covered.

Methyl methacrylate (MMA) is a liquid acrylic nail compound that has been banned in many states because it can cause allergic reactions and nail damage. However, some nail salons still use it. If nail products have a noxious odor, enhancements are hard to file, or they do not soak off easily, the might contain MMA. You can report your suspicions to your state’s health board.

Supplements of biotin, a B vitamin, can increase the thickness of nails and stop breakage and splitting. If you take supplements, it is important to use a prescription strength of 2.5 milligrams per day. You can also try nail products that contain silicon and MSM to strengthen your nails. Gelatin will not strengthen nails and may actually weaken them. Products containing calcium, fluoride, and yeast have not been scientifically proven to strengthen nails.

The tips that apply to finger nails also apply to toenails. Fungus can grow more easily on feet than hands because feet are in a moist and dark environment for much of the day. If you get professional pedicures, dermatologists recommend taking your own instruments and not letting anyone dig under your toenails or around the cuticles. Toenails should be cut straight across to reduce the risk of ingrown toenails and infection.

Certain nail conditions can be symptoms of medical problems. White nails can indicate a liver problem. Nails that are half white and half pink can be an indication of kidney disease. Lung disease can cause thick and yellow nails that grow at a slower rate. Pale nail beds can be a sign of anemia. Diabetes can cause nails to be tinged with yellow and have a slight blush at the base of the nail.

How to Protect Your Hair from Heat Damage

Many women blow-dry, straighten, or curl their hair on a daily basis. While this can create some winning looks, over time all that heat can damage hair. If you have a habit of using heat styling tools often, you should take some steps to protect your hair from drying out, getting split ends, and breaking.

One of the easiest ways to protect your hair from heat damage is simply to take a break. Go for a day or two without using heat to dry or style your hair. On your day off, put your hair in a ponytail or bun if it is hard to manage. A serum can prevent frizziness, and a medium-hold gel can make your hair easier to tame.

You can reduce your reliance on blow-drying. Let your hair air-dry on some days, or blow-dry it until it is 80 percent dry and then use a wet-to-dry flat iron.

It is important to hydrate your hair before heat styling to keep it nourished and soft. A few drops of oil applied to wet hair can prevent frizz and protect it from styling damage.

You need to protect your hair from heat just like you protect your skin from the sun. A heat protectant is like sunscreen for your hair. It will prevent damage and frizz and make your hair shinier. Use a heat protectant serum before blow-drying and a spray with a flat iron. Check the label to see if the product is meant to be used on wet or dry hair.

The heat settings on styling tools range from 175 to 400 degrees. Choose the appropriate temperature setting based on the thickness of your hair. If your hair is fine, use a lower temperature setting. Never use the highest setting, no matter how thick your hair is. If the tool is smoking or sizzling or burns your fingers, it is too hot and will damage your hair.

Ceramic tools can straighten and moisturize hair at the same time. It is worthwhile to invest more money in a quality tool that will not damage your hair.

When you use a heat styling tool, always keep it moving. Leaving the tool in one place for too long is more likely to cause damage.

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