Vitamins Can Promote Healthy Hair and Nails

The human body needs a balance of vitamins and nutrients in order to keep the organs, skin, and hair healthy. Biotin, which is also known as vitamin H, helps protect the health of the skin, hair, eyes, liver, and nervous system. Vitamin H is a B complex vitamin that is important for metabolism. It helps the body process energy and transport carbon dioxide from the cells in the body.

Vitamin H is found naturally in small amounts in some foods, including bananas, egg yolks, and nuts. It is also available in the form of supplements. Some people take biotin supplements in an attempt to make their hair grow longer, faster, or healthier. Biotin stimulates the growth of new hair and promotes healthier hair texture by preventing dryness and scalp flaking and by increasing the elasticity of the hair’s cortex, which prevents breakage.

Many people take supplements in an effort to achieve hair that is longer and healthier. According to Medical Daily, people spend almost $176 million per year on supplements that claim to improve the health and appearance of their hair. These supplements contain vitamins that the body needs and that should also be included in a healthy diet.

Hair vitamins are not miracle drugs. They maximize what the body is naturally capable of and allow hair to reach its full potential.

Other vitamins are also important to get and maintain healthy hair. A balanced diet should include foods that are rich in iron, vitamin D, zinc, and B complex vitamins. Supplements can be taken to fill in gaps in a diet if a person is deficient in specific vitamins and nutrients.

Biotin has other beauty benefits. It can also support healthy nails by encouraging the nails to produce protein when it is absorbed in the core of the nail bed.

Changes You Should Make to Your Beauty Routine

With so many products available and so many recommendations from experts, beauty routines can become time-consuming and complicated. Many of the things you do on a regular basis might not be necessary or could even be doing more harm than good. Here are some changes you can make to your beauty routine.

• Toners are often not necessary. In the past, cleansers were not pH-balanced and left an acidic residue on the skin that toners balanced. Modern cleansers are pH-balanced, so it is not necessary to use a toner. Some toners contain active ingredients that can be helpful for treating specific conditions, but ones that contain alcohol can dry out your skin.

• You should only exfoliate your skin two or three times a week. Doing it more than that can make your skin irritated and inflamed.

• Too much moisturizer can cause you to break out or make you age prematurely. Use enough moisturizer to make your skin feel clean and healthy, but don’t use too much.

• Bubble baths contain soap and alcohol that can dry out skin. It is better to use a product with ingredients like honey, oatmeal, or milk that soothe skin.

• Lining your eyes and then curling your lashes can take off the liner when you release the curler. Curl your lashes first.

• If you want fuller eyebrows, stop plucking. Have them shaped by a professional once a month or every other month.

• Styling your hair every day can cause damage. Let your hair air-dry and embrace your natural texture or put your hair in a topknot or braid.

• If you buff your nails before applying nail polish, that is not necessary. Nail polish adheres better to a smooth than an etched surface. Buffing your nails for every manicure can also thin out your nails. You should file and push your cuticles, but you do not need to buff your nails.

• Don’t cut your cuticles. They are there to protect your nails from infection, and cutting them the wrong way can invite bacteria. Push down on your cuticles with a nail stick wrapped in cotton.

• Picking out dirt from under your nails can irritate the skin and shorten your nail beds. Clean out under your nails with alcohol and a disposable mascara wand. You can also scratch a bar of soap and then wash your hands.

How to Prevent Acne

A breakout can be frustrating and a challenge to treat. Acne can affect people of any age. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take on a daily basis to prevent pimples from appearing in the first place.

• One of the best ways to prevent a breakout is to keep your face clean. Wash your face twice a day to get rid of impurities, dead skin cells, and oil. Washing more than twice a day can dry out and damage your skin. Use warm (not hot) water and a mild cleanser, not a harsh soap. Do not scrub your skin harshly with a washcloth, exfoliating glove, or loofah. Wash your face gently with your hands or a soft cloth. Rinse well and pat your face dry with a clean towel.

• Many acne products can dry out your skin, so it is important to moisturize. Look for a product labeled noncomedogenic. That means it will not cause acne. Choose a product specifically for your skin type.

• Use an over-the-counter acne product with benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or lactic acid. Use a small amount to start and then adjust the amount and frequency based on how your skin reacts. Use the product sparingly if you have sensitive skin.

• If you have a breakout, it is best not to wear makeup. If you do, wash it off in the evening. Use oil-free makeup without added dyes and chemicals and check the ingredients before you buy.

• Avoid using products with fragrances, oils, pomades, or gels on your hair. If the product gets on your face, it can clog your pores and irritate your skin. Wash your hair often with a gentle shampoo and conditioner if you are breaking out. Keep long hair away from your face.

• Don’t touch your face or prop your cheek or chin on your hands because that can spread bacteria and irritate your skin. Don’t pick or pop pimples because that can cause infection and scarring.

• The sun can cause inflammation and redness. Some acne medications make skin more sensitive to sunlight. Limit sun exposure, especially between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., and wear protective clothing and a noncomedogenic sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.

• Foods like chocolate do not cause pimples, but you should avoid greasy foods and junk food and eat more fruits and vegetables for healthier skin.

• Regular exercise is good for your skin. Do not wear clothing or use equipment that can irritate your skin. Shower right after exercising.

• Stress can contribute to breakouts. If you are stressed out, try to find ways to address your problems and relax.

• If these strategies do not work, you might need a prescription product to treat your acne. Consult a dermatologist.

How to Remove Product Buildup from Your Hair

Hair products that are used on a regular basis can build up on hair, making it feel coated and look flat, dull, and dirty. Hair that is coated with product buildup can also be difficult to style. Product buildup does not allow moisture, oils, and nutrients to penetrate the hair and can make it feel dry until the product is removed.

Product buildup can have several causes. Hair that is non-porous allows products to build up on top of the strands. Buildup can also occur if you do not rinse out products completely or use hair waxes, silicones, cleansing conditioners, or cationic surfactants.

There are several easy ways to remove product buildup from your hair. One is to wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo.

Baking soda can also remove hair product buildup. Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda to your shampoo, wash your hair, and rinse it out. You can also wet your hair, rub in baking soda, then shampoo as usual. Baking soda has a high pH and can leave cuticles raised, so use a lower-pH conditioner after you rinse out the baking soda.

White or apple cider vinegar can remove products that have built up on your hair. If you do not want to shampoo your hair, wet it, massage a cup of white vinegar onto your scalp, rinse, and condition your hair. You can use vinegar after shampooing. Mix 1 cup of vinegar with 4 cups of hot water, let it sit for a half hour, massage it into your hair and scalp after shampooing, rinse, and condition. You can also mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with your shampoo. You can use vinegar before you shampoo. Massage 1 to 2 tablespoons of vinegar onto your scalp and hair and shampoo and condition like you usually do.

You can prevent product buildup by changing your habits. Use less product every day and avoid using products containing water-insoluble silicones. If you need to use them, wash your hair with a shampoo that removes silicones.

Are You Making These Mistakes When Blow-Drying Your Hair?

Many women blow-dry their hair every morning, but few do it correctly. Using the wrong technique or brush or not using products in the right way can keep you from getting the style you want. Here are some common blow-drying mistakes and what you should do instead.

One common mistake is starting with hair that is dripping wet. Your hair should be mostly dry before you start blow-drying it because there will be less chance of damage. Towel-dry your hair first, then blow-dry using your hands, and then use a brush starting at your roots.

A bigger brush will give you smoother hair. A round brush with metal in the middle will heat up and can cause damage, so use it for as little time as possible. If you have coarse hair or get flyaways, use a boar or nylon bristle brush for smoother hair.

Another common mistake is wrapping hair around a brush and blasting it with a blow-dryer. This actually takes longer. The right technique is to put a round brush at the roots, roll it down to the ends, and then go back up to the roots while concentrating the blow-dryer on that area. By the time the top half of your hair is dry, the ends should also be close to dry. Then you can roll the ends on the brush and finish drying them.

If you want to increase volume, use your hands to pull up on your roots as you blow-dry your hair. You need to use your hands because the diameter of a brush will not allow you to get close enough to the roots.

Use hair products sparingly. If you want to increase volume, apply products to the roots. Putting them on the ends will pull your hair down. Spray hairspray from a distance so it is distributed evenly and use a light spray so it does not build up in one area.

Your hair dryer probably came with a nozzle that you may not use. Using the nozzle concentrates heat on the cuticle and gives a smooth look.

Let your hair set after you dry it by allowing it to cool down on the brush before you move on to the next section. This will make your style last longer.

Airbrush Makeup is great for girls to use when getting Senior Portraits done. No more retouching makeup in-between outfit changes!